Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I really don't know how I feel. I had told myself all along that I was voting for Obama. After every debate I was impressed with him and thought he'd be the change this country needs (and Sarah Palin didn't help sway me to vote for McCain). When I got to the poll I just couldn't do it. I don't know why, for sure. Not because I believe he's a "terrorist" or the "death of this nation" like my husband does. But I had several reservations. I think my biggest problem was the fact that he's so stinkin liberal. I have a hard time voting for someone who's values are so different from what I believe and know to be true. With that said I also am hopeful that he's going to make some positive changes we desperately need to see. I believe he's extremely intelligent and I really like Biden. I hope he proves himself to be trustworthy and follows through with a great deal of what he's promised. Good Luck to all of Us!