Friday, June 13, 2008


WWWHHHHHOOOOOO - We made it!!!! After much starvation, exercise, working out in rubber suits, sucking on jolly ranchers and spitting in cups, cabbage soup and other things, I won't mention, We all lost our 16%- over 200 lbs. combined WOW!!!!! I've been a nervous wreck this past week, certain I wasn't going to make it and the anxiety was insane. I knew I couldn't lose my $500.00 the day before we venture off to California!!! I was on my scale at least 25 times a day and it's crazy how much I fluctuate. We couldn't even wait until the actual weigh in day, the 13th, because we were all sick of starving so we met at Nick's the night before at 11:o0 p.m. and weighed!!!! I did have to take my pants off in front of a complete stranger (one of the guys wives) but I didn't even care, as long as I was where I needed to be. We headed straight to Del Taco (of all places after- and ate like ravenous beasts - not to mention the chocolate I bought days before at Mrs. Cummings that I'd been hoarding and brought along with me). We're all thinking about another competition to keep it off or lose more. I don't know if I can handle the anxiety again, but being without 29 extra lbs. is quite nice!!!!!


Amy said...

Oh Myken, I am so so SOOOO PROUD of you! I knew that you could do it, honestly you are truly an inspiration to me. What an example. So do you have a good cabbage soup recipe? I'm getting pretty desperate, RRRRRGGGGHHHHH! Love ya

Amy said...

Oh and BTW- You look so dang pretty in the pics. Not to sound cheezy, but you really are such a beautiful lady, inside and out.

Kelsey, Greg, and Olivia said...

WOOHOO! I'm so glad it's over, and you did it! I'm so proud of you! Now you can kick back, relax, and look fabulous in Cali! Can't wait!

Bean There...Done That said...

You look so awesome! Now lets get working on me.
Love Ya

Kerrilyn said...

It's Kerrilyn (Ivie). I came across your blog. I hope you don't mind me leaving a comment. Your family is darling. Way to go on the biggest looser...You look great!!!

lynn said...

Remember when you said that people wanted to be you well i have never wanted to be you so much in my whole life!!! You look so good!! I want to see string bikini pictures from your trip. congrats you really did it!!

Michelle said...

Ok you look totally awesome!!!!!!!! I'm inspired. You always make losing weight look so easy! And by the way we live in El Paso TX! Can you believe it? I almost can't. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be though. At least the heat keeps me away from food!

Bean There...Done That said...

Ooooh lets go see Mickey! I am in just let me know when and I am there. Me, You, Ellie and Minnie????? How much more fun could that be? Remind me to tell you what Ellie said yesterday-so great.

Amy said...

Hey biggest loser, um time for an update or I am going to call you the biggest loser. Hee Hee.