Ellie always wants to be something crazy, Zoë always wants to be cute and Zeke can't choose yet so we choose for him. Welcome Nacho Libre
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Halloween 2012
Posted by Myken Briem at 1:01 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Back! Alex's wedding Sept. 2012
I've realized the only way I'm really gonna keep is journal is through a blog. So as the new year starts he goes another attempt.
My baby sister got married. We love Ryan and are excited to have him as part of our family. It was a great week and day!!!
Posted by Myken Briem at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 29, 2011
Some pics from the summer including hanging at Jodi's with the slide, the girls setting up a spa, silver lake (where Matt got in the canoe and tipped us all out and under the water - keep in mind I'm 37 weeks pregnant - not a pretty sight) etc.
Posted by Myken Briem at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 30, 2011
So I woke the other morning to these!
The other morning I woke to find these on both barstools and hanging on cupboards (made by Ellie and Zoe). So great!
Posted by BriemTeam at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
So in preparation for our little guy - who will be here shortly, we decided to redo the bedroom in our basement for Ellie to move down to. She has been so excited and we painted it pink and it's darling. Her first night down, Zoe was planning on sleeping with her but that only lasted a minute until Zoe was back upstairs and Ellie had to brave her first night in the basement alone. She teared up and was nervous but went down to sleep. When I came back up from tucking her in, I lost it and started to cry, realizing that she's old and I will no longer here her great comments made from her bedroom after she's been tucked in. I'm seriously been grieving that my oldest is growing up and can sleep downstairs by herself now. The 2nd night, I put a phone in her room and called her from my cell, and the two of us talked for 50 minutes (she's right underneath me). It was such a precious hour as she shared her thoughts about life with me. She began talking about a relative who's an alcoholic and how next time she sees him she's going to talk to him about how alcohol isn't good for him and if he'd go to church and read his scriptures he's be much happier. Then she's going to invite him to church and before he comes she's going to talk to our Bishop and let him know that this certain family member, "who has a problem with alcohol" is coming and ask the Bishop if he'll say a few words about why alcohol isn't good for us. I also got parenting advice regarding Zoe and was told that I threaten and don't follow through and If I would follow through more, Zoe would behave much better. Since that night we've spoken on the phone every night and I treasure that part of my day!
Posted by Myken Briem at 7:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Ellie Gets Baptized!
Ellie was so excited for her baptism and one of the best parts was having her aunt Alex fly home from New Jersey to be there (which was all a surprise). Ellie was so happy for this special day and has said, "I wish dad would have held me under the water longer, it was such a spiritual feeling". I told her people would have thought he was trying to drown her, not baptize her. When she walked out of the font and I was helping her get changed, she was just crying. I thought she was freezing and asked her if she was cold and she said, "no I'm not sure why I'm crying, I think I feel the spirit." She and I cried the whole time I was getting her changed and then Matt met us at the bathroom door and started to cry. It was such a neat experience and a neat day. We were so happy to have so many friends and family there to support her. She is such a wonderful girl! She bore her testimony the day after and thanked her Heavenly Father for the gift she'd been given and said she knows it will help her with her "trials in life". She's an old soul!
Posted by Myken Briem at 3:26 PM 1 comments
Ellie turned 8 on May 31st. I seriously can't believe it! I have no idea where the last 8 years have gone, but I do know they've been the best 8 years of my life. Ellie is the neatest girl with the most unique personality. She can entertain herself all day long and is so easy. She has more faith than anyone I've ever met and her testimonies in church each month melt the whole wards hearts, as she tells stories and lessons learned throughout the month. I love you so much Ellie!
1) Her witty and unique personality
2) Her care and concern for others (possibly excluding her sister)
3) Her strong desire to do what is right
4) Her imagination that never ends
5) Her QUESTIONS and deep thoughts that I truly don't have answers for
6) Her disregard for what others think and her desire to be who she is, despite if it's cool or not
7) Her smile (or lack thereof). She's so her father's child
8) Her love for animals. I'm convinced she's going to do something great with this someday!
Posted by Myken Briem at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 20, 2011
School's Out for Summer
Just a few pics of Ellie's dance festival, Marsh's School's out Party and the girls! Love love love summer!
Posted by Myken Briem at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Zoe's Big Week
Zoe's had a big week with her dance rehearsal and recital and her preschool graduation. She has been in heaven of course and loving that everyone has come to watch and support her. She is so pretty and I'm reminded of a conversation she and I had about a month ago. She has a real crush on Ike, her friend from next door and I was asking her how things were going with him and this is what she says: "I asked him today if he's going to marry me or not and he said, "I don't know what your going to look like when you get older" and she says, "I'm going to be so beautiful".
I think she is right!!!
Posted by BriemTeam at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 14, 2011
The Mullett!
Matt just went to "get a hair cut" and this is what he came home with. I could throw up and he thinks it's so funny! It's not!
Posted by BriemTeam at 12:16 PM 4 comments
Poor People's Hot Tub
This is how poor people have a hot tub. We fill up our little pool with warm water from the laundry room sink. The kids think it's just as good as the real thing. The weather's been in the 70's and we've been in heaven. This is how we're spending our days!
Posted by BriemTeam at 12:09 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Zoe just turned 5 years old. I can't believe it. She is so much fun and I love her so much! She's my little shadow and my little buddy during the days when Ellie's at school. She has definitely taught me things about myself as a person and as a mother (most of which I don't like), but she teaches me to be more loving and patient each day and she is the best little helper. She's always quick to help me if I'm cleaning or cooking. She wants to be helpful and I think that's such a great quality!!! She's a good friend and is very smart. She's starting reading and is doing great!
1) Her smile!
2) Her laugh!
3) The way she loves me and wants to be with me or "snuggling me" always!
4) Her love for babies and how great and helpful she is with them!
5) Her self-confidence. I hope this stays with her FOREVER!!
and I'm adding one more... Her strong personality that I know will either get her into lots of trouble later in life or get her very far. Hopefully the latter!
Posted by BriemTeam at 3:05 PM 0 comments